About the ZFCPHP

Internship fair

About the ZFCPHP

The mission of the ZFCPHP is to conduct high quality, lifestyle-based prevention research and support community wellness efforts aimed at improving health and reducing disease risk.

Membership Program

The ZFCPHP Membership Program recognizes, encourages, and advances collaboration between members, the ZFCPHP, COPH, and across the UA and broader Tucson community. Membership requires a major interest in wellness research and involvement in ZFCPHP programs. Membership provides a rich environment for research-practice connections, campus-community partnerships, and innovative research development.


Since 2014, the Colleges of Public Health, Agriculture and Life Sciences, and Medicine formed a Research Collaboratory at the Abrams Public Health Building in Tucson, AZ. The Collaboratory, directed by the MEZCOPH ZFCPHP, CALS-Nutrition Sciences, and the COM Diabetes/Family Community Wellness Program, operates in partnership with Pima County and other community organizations, creating unique and exciting opportunities to support clinical, behavioral, and translational research. Core projects within the Collaboratory include diet/physical measurement, diet/physical activity education & intervention, body composition & metabolic assessment, community outreach & engagement, recruitment, and data management & evaluation.